Thursday, October 10, 2013

"39 Week Appointment" - 38weeks 5days

Today's appointment was mostly 'hum drum' so to speak.

*Gained a pound (woot!)

*BP was 130/80 - which is just beyond awesome!

*Keytones (yes, yes I know I should eat breakfast)

*Little mans heartbeat was great in the 140's - he was sleeping <3 p="">
*Swelling is a bit worse than what it has been and she wasn't all too happy about that. I've been extra busy and on my feet a lot this week. I plan on being soooper lazy on my 3 day weekend this weekend, so that'll help get things back on track :-)

One of the new birthing assistants is LeAnn (the other is Amy - super sweet) and she is actually the one who came and told her HBAC story at our birthing classes. I was quite excited to see her! Her story was inspirational and now she just might get to attend my birth - how cool is that!

MariAnne is going on vacation (well deserved) from the 17th - 23rd to visit her son in New York (call me jealous!) and is leaving Charlie in charge during that time frame. So if little man decides to show up during that span Charlie will be for sure deliverying. Good thing I think Charlie rocks so I am not worried about it in the least :-) Just need to make sure mom and hubs get Charlie's number in their phones as well so there is no confusion.

MariAnne suggested that, if we can afford it, that I make my chiropractor appointments weekly from here on out. Especially with all the other little 'signs' I've been having and my pelvic/hip pain. I am inclined to agree. I think keeping everything aligned is going to be really important to a succesful (hopefully short) labor and delivery.

So, now we continue the same thing we have been doing - waiting.

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