Sunday, October 27, 2013

"41 Week Appointment"

....and yes, I am still pregnant!

MariAnne is back from her vacation, it was nice to see her again! It was a stressful appointment for me. As I enter the 'post date' range I get increasingly more anxious. Highlights:

*Lost another pound. Most definitely due to the insane sickness I experienced over the weekend. I was laid up, hardly able to eat, for over 2 days. It was awful.

*BP was elevated 138/84 - again I am a big ball of stress these days, so I am not surprised. My levels at home have been fairly consistent and generally are only elevated after a long work day.

*She did her own little quick NST, listened to babys heartbeat as he started moving, and it accelerated beautifully, so as long as he's not napping during our NST tomorrow - I know we will do just fine.

*Keytones in urine, as usual, but nothing else.

*My swelling is intense, its quite uncomfortable and takes more time to go down these days.

Beyond that we got everything together to start NSTs starting tomorrow. It is only an assumption, but it seems (to me) that MariAnne is a bit less comfortable with postdate pregnancies than I originally anticipated (which is OK by the way, everyone has their own comfort levels). I'll basically be doing an NST every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) unless baby comes of course ;-)

MariAnne did offer to sweep my membranes this week, if I choose. So far the little conversation that William and I have had has us saying no, but we will see how I feel over the next few days.

I am worried about the NST, dealing with the OB situation. More specifically my blood pressure, but I can only do so much to control that.

Anyway.... 41 weeks!!

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