I had an OB appt on the 7th my BP was up and I had gained 7pds in fluid retention... I was sent back to the hospital again for my 2nd observation.... After some hours there it was determined that we could not get my BP under control and were going to need to induce... At 4P.M. on the 7th we started Cervidil which immediately got my contractions coming at 2/3 mins apart. I spent a very sleepless night in the hospital unable to get any sleep due to my BP being checked hourly and the contractions that were steady and continuous. At about 6A.M. I had only progressed to a 1or2cm, at about 7:30A.M. they started pitocin, upping it continuously every hour. By 8P.M. I had only progressed to a 4; my BP was still rising and his heart rate kept fluctuating so we (my husband and I) consented to a C-Section =( Nolan Fredrick was born Feb 8th at 8:34P.M. weighing in at 6lbs 12oz and the most gorgeous baby I had ever seen <3
Here is our little man!!

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