I did mention in the beginning that I was a horrible blogger-er... Right???
This weeks appointment was fairly uneventful. Weight is up to 216, so another 2 pounds this month. I am right on track to gain 8 pounds this time, which is exactly what I gained with Nolan. As long as my weight doesn't speed up too much towards the end, but either way - I should be well within 'normal' range even for an extra fluffy mama ;-)
Little man's heart rate was 156, a little higher than usual, but perfect!! I am still measuring 4 weeks ahead according to my fundal height. Midwife doesn't seem concerned though and doesn't appear motivated to change my due date, which I am thankful for. She took blood for the GD test and should have those results back next week. Can I say how much I loved not having to drink that nasty sugary drink this time!?!?!
My blood pressure was 130/84 in office which I think is my best reading yet!! My home readings have been quite fantastic. During my last visit, at 24 weeks, she suggested I switch to a cold-infusion method for my Nettle Leaf Tea, instead of the hot tea that I had been doing. The swelling had started getting pretty uncomfortable. Since switching (about 2 weeks ago) to the cold-infusion method I have noticed a huge difference in the swelling and even my blood pressure has been more steady, so its definitely helping!
We talked a lot about the homebirth classes, more information on GBS testing, and some things I can do to sway my chances of testing negative. I'd really like to avoid antibiotics this time (being that I don't think I am comfortable NOT using antibiotics if I am positive - still researching this).
I have so much to update on, but I think I'll get back to work now and aim to add some pictures of me and of Nolan's new room later!